Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Car Accident | Everyone seems okay

Yesterday Kevin and Kenlee were in a car accident. The day started out crazy. I took Kenlee to see Dr. Kelly as she wasn't feeling well and after being there for nearly two hours we found out that she had an ear infection. :( After her appointment, I took Kenlee to school and I came in to work. Kevin and I wanted to keep her from being at school too long so we both decided to check her out early. I had Kevin stop by work and grab Kenlee's rx so he could drop it off at the pharmacy and I could pick it up. After he picked up the rx, we both decided to go and pick Kenlee up from school and surprise her. She was so excited to see us. :) They dropped me off back at work and I went in to the gym and within 5 minutes Kevin called me. He started off by saying "we are okay, but we have been in an accident". My heart dropped to the ground. I ran out of the office, hopped in the trunk and headed their way. When I arrived, Kenlee was crying and so was I. We both then called down and made sure that everyone was ok. The gentleman who hit us was a wreck too. I guess what happened was that on the other side of Bangerter there were several cops drawing guns on a girl in her vehicle. This caused drivers to stop and stare. Kevin had to slam on his breaks and he had enough time to look in the rearview mirror and see this guy coming quickly. He took his foot off the brake and had one second to try and move the car to the side of the road in hopes of missing the car in front of him. Luckily he didn't hit the car in front of him, but the gentleman did rear end them at about 40 mph. The paramedics came and checked Kenlee out and she seemed to be okay. We have been watching her like a hawk. They towed both cars away and everyone seems okay.

Things like this definitely put life in to perspective. I am so glad my family is safe.

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